Girls section with "Albothoor" It organizes its Ramadan activities "My Life is Better with it " remotely
  • 2020-06-15

Women 's Work in Isa Town

Girls section with "Albothoor" It organizes its Ramadan activities "My Life is Better with it " remotely

The girls section of the "Albothoor" Society of Al-Eslah recently organized its Ramadan activity “My Life is Better with it” remotely in order to take advantage of the precautionary measures followed, and to take advantage of the free time for students during their time at home. It is a faith, educational and educational program aimed at teaching the correct prayer for first and second graders, and accustoming them to maintain it in a lovable, competitive, and exciting way that included many educational competitions and games. The program was implemented by making small groups through the application "WhatsApp" supervised by a group of female teachers, through which it was reminded to fill the prayer schedule sent to students through the group, in addition to a weekly meeting through the "ZOOM" program in which the correct prayer description is explained in a Simplified way, as well as a set of action games to break the deadlock. The program met with a great deal of interaction from the female students, and concluded with honoring the female students with persevering prayers.

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